Feel the rhythm of Martinique
I was not expecting much, but I fel in love with this beautiful island of Martinique. The moment we got off the schip, I felt the rhythm of the colorful open and friendly people.
Fort de France is the capital with 101.000 inhabitants of the french department of Martinique. People speak French and you can use the Euro. Before 1902 Saint Pierre was the capital. In that year an eruption of the volcano Mont Pelée destroyed Saint Pierre and its 30.000 inhabitants in it. Only two people survived. The Caribbean island of Martinique was already charted by Columbus in 1493, but he had no interest in this island.
Sugar, rum and bananas are the most important products for the island
We visited the town by foot from the ship. It was easy to walk and if you follow the colorful lines on the road, which is a touristic route, you’ll see all the main highlights. We saw the Saint Louis cathedral, Aimé Césaire theater, the Schoelcher library and the Savane park. On the far end of the Savane park next to the Fort Saint Louis we found some beautiful iguanas.
Back in the port of Fort de France we found the ferry Vedettes Tropicales that took us to some of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. The ferry was €9 per person for a whole day. You can hop from one to the other beach if you want. We stayed on beach Anse Mitan that we really loved.
The one day stop over was definitely too short to see the whole island, but we got a good impression and it is no punishment to visit it again.
Do you want to read more of my travels, start with It’s time to travel the world. We visit all these amazing places because of the cruise we make with MSC Divina.